The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 342 - Trespass

"Another one for your growing stack."

Artemus accepted the proffered black file which had a large red symbol painted over its cover, and placed it atop a stack of similar looking files. The caravan case had come a long way with seven more gruesome scenes discovered in various locations across Sigil. Several teams had been formed to investigate the case but they\'d had no luck yet because the perpetrators frustratingly never left any clues.

"This time is different, Art," the other anti mage in his office informed him. "You might want to look at the details of the case right now."

"What\'s different about it?" He asked. Artemus preferred to read at night when he was in a relaxed state of mind which wasn\'t it right now.

"Bandits this time. The bunch of them were known to operate on the roads connecting Eurice and Dahlia. When their bodies were found, get this, the leader of the bandits himself came to ask the Sanguine for justice."

"Unbelievable," Artemus murmured. Criminals demanding justice, what was the world coming to?

"He says six people went out to rob travellers but only one dead body was found in terrible condition. Cuts all over his body and an abdomen emptied of it\'s contents. The others are missing and he wants them found cause one of em is his own brother."

The Sanguine, and especially Artemus was under great pressure. Not a single killer had been caught but the kills were evolving. The dead and tortured bodies were all found decomposing but some of them showed changes that disturbed the dark-haired anti mage. He had a suspicion as to what was happening and could only hope that his fears were untrue.

"Where is the bandit leader?"

"Eh? You wanna question em? He\'s been imprisoned at Eurice."

Artemus tapped on the table thoughtfully. He\'d been considering a radical decision but had been unable to push it through. Who could he offload his responsibilities to? The answer was standing in front of him. 

"Renne," he faced the middle-aged anti mage who was his best candidate for such an abrupt replacement.


"I want you to write a resignation letter under my name. Also, congratulations, you\'re promoted."

"What?" The befuddled man stared open-mouthed at Artemus. "Why?"

"Just do it. I\'ll be recommending you to my position," Artemus said as he began collecting his personal effects into a black leather bag. "They won\'t refuse me." 

"But why are you resigning?!" Artemus was the sharpest mind they had. Every bit of his brain juice was required for them to solve this case which had been dragging on for years.

"Too many responsibilities," the dark-haired anti mage replied. He wanted complete freedom from the duties that bound him to Elysium. The caravan killers were no random opportunistic serial killers. They had a goal in mind and they were getting closer to it. The anti mage had a bad feeling about it and this created a sense of urgency he couldn\'t ignore.

"You can\'t just quit, Art! What\'ll the department do without you?!"

"Worry less about the department and more for yourself, Renne. Should I remind you of how much work you\'re suddenly going to find yourself shouldering?" Artemus pitied the man he was foisting his duties upon but this had to be done.

"Can\'t you stay for another month?" Renne sounded like he wanted anything but Artemus\' position.

"One week," the dark-haired anti mage replied. "I\'ll be here one week and you can disturb me whenever you want."


It had been an uneventful day at the manor. Lucien spent the morning checking on his undead spies who were perched on trees all across the forest that lay adjacent to their compound. The redhead had been perfecting a technique that allowed his minions to communicate with him, and it was working as far as he could tell. A weak magical pulse had been sent to him by one of his precious undead birds. The bird had seen an intruder and alerted him to the presence of it.

"Hey, didn\'t I tell you not to come back here or I\'d bash your face in?" Lucien told the hunter who had trespassed into their property.

"I have to feed my family-"


Lucien had told the man to come to their gate and ask for food since Alka had been growing more than the amount they could eat. He had even been willing to throw in essential kitchen ingredients including meat if they needed them. But the man had refused, this proving that he wasn\'t here to get food for his family.

"You seem to have an uncanny ability to find me when I come through this forest," he told the redhead as his eyes scanned the trees.

"You\'re trespassing," Lucien reminded him one more time. "If you go missing inside the forest, you\'ll have no one to blame but yourself."

"I hear you," the hunter replied with a mocking smile. "Neither of us will have to meet each other under these circumstances again."

Something about those words caught Lucien\'s attention. He hadn\'t wanted to hurt the man but there was much at stake. The redhead held his hands behind his back and casually approached the hunter.

His plans to grill and dispose of the man was interrupted by a new arrival, the last person whose presence Lucien wanted during such a moment.

"What have we here?" Magnus spoke to the duo, looking between the hunter and the redhead.

Lucien was annoyed but he didn\'t show it. "We have a trespasser," he informed th fire mage. "I\'ve warned him several times but he disobeys me and keeps coming back to spy on our family."

"I\'m just a poor hunter looking to feed my family. If I don\'t hunt then my children will go hungry. How cruel can you be?"

Lucien had his arms crossed because the temptation to strangle the man was overcoming his reluctance to appear as a barbaric killer in front of Magnus.

"Is that so?" Magnus replied as he eyed the hunter. "For a poor hunter, you sure have some very expensive hunting gear."

The man was a natural at acting. He looked sheepish one moment and then embarrassed next. "We had better days before our fortunes changed, sir. I take care of my gear because, without it, I can\'t hunt for my family."

"I\'ve told him he can take as much food as he wants from our pantry. So why does he keep sneaking around the forest when there\'s an offer for free food?"

The hunter and the redhead glared at each other while Magnus thought about what to do. He could see murder in Lucien\'s eyes. Not wanting to have the man\'s blood on their hands if he was an innocent, the fire mage decided on doing some questioning.

"Lulu, go back home and wait for me," he told the redhead.

"Why?" Lucien wanted to be around to see what Magnus was up to.

"I\'ll escort our friend out of the forest and be right back."


Magnus walked beside the hunter who took the lead. The man seemed very familiar with the forest grounds. Too familiar.

"Why are you really here?" The fire mage asked him in a conversational tone.

"I told you-"

"A lie," Magnus finished for him. "Unlike that sweet redhead who gave you several chances, I will end your life right here if you insist on talking shit. So let me ask you again, what are you doing here?"

The hunter\'s nose flared when he scented the smell of another shapeshifter even more powerful than himself. It didn\'t take more than a few seconds for him to realise who that shapeshifter was.. His hand subtly patted at his weapon, assuring himself that he was armed and could defend himself from the man threatening him.

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