PUBG Online Romance of the Century

Chapter 108 - Extra CP (Zuo Zhen x Lu Xiuhe)-Boyfriend and Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 108 - Extra CP (Zuo Zhen x Lu Xiuhe)-Boyfriend and Ex-Boyfriend

He had told Zuo Zhen that he had created this problem for himself because he had been bored, and that he would be better when he had to study for exams. Yet, the result was that not only did he not get better, his behavior became even worse. In less than half a month, he had been promoted from an ordinary member to a moderator in the fan support group. Because of this speedy promotion, even the other little Meimei fans questioned whether he had taken advantage of his friendship with the big fan to get this position.

All Lu Xiuhe wanted to say was that he also wanted to keep a low profile ah.

But with his fighting strength, keeping a low profile wasn’t possible.

Anyway, the Weibo account he was using now had been changed, so no matter how capable Zuo Zhen was, he wouldn’t be able to find him. So, just continue being a moderator for now ba.

But after flaming people a lot for a while, Lu Xiuhe developed a bad habit.

For example, today, after everyone’s exams had finished, all of his roommates were discussing where they should go to eat in the groupchat.

“I’m telling you, I was with Lao San and we ran into his goddess.”

“And then?”

“His goddess had her arms linked with her boyfriend and told him that she’ll see him again next term. Lao San has now closed himself off, and keeps fussing that he doesn’t want to eat lunch anymore. ”

Lu Xiuhe let out a burst of laughter.

Your Great Lord Lu: hhhhxswl.


“What does his goddess’ boyfriend look like?”

“He’s just that 1.9m guy from the neighboring class ah, pretty handsome. He looks a lot like that trainee chosen by that video platform guy group on that variety show.”

Your Great Lord Lu: 271, that variety show? Are you an anti-mood reader, Lao San is already this miserable, and you’re still injuring him.


“No, He Zi, you look back at what you just said. Can you even understand it?”

Your Great Lord Lu: dbq, I’ve gotten used to it. I’ll pay attention next time.


[Your Great Lord Lu has been banned by the administrator for 10 minutes.]

That night, because they were going to go on vacation soon, just a few days after exams, his roommates forcibly dragged Lu Xiuhe back to Summoner’s Rift.

As soon as he logged on, the first thing that Lu Xiuhe did was look at his friends list.

He mocked himself in his heart. The fanclub group had posted up a schedule today, and Zuo Zhen was slated to be involved in a promotional event all day today. He would definitely be way too tired after that, so how could he still play….

Zuo Zhen actually still fucking came online.

Although Lu Xiuhe didn’t play this game that much, his ID had already been changed twice. It could be said that the more he tried to hide it, the more attention he actually attracted. However, Zuo Zhen’s ID hadn’t changed at all; it was still “Little Fairy Wants A Hug QAQ”.

“Hurry up and join the party lobby ah, He Zi,” his roommate urged him.

Lu Xiuhe let out an “oh” as he moved his mouse to click on the party invite he got, but then, after a long pause, he instead moved his cursor away again.

“…No, you guys go ahead and play, my computer is lagging a bit. I’ll check what’s wrong with it first.”

After his roommates’ concentration was completely centered on their game, Lu Xiuhe silently right-clicked on Zuo Zhen’s icon and clicked to spectate his current match.

Lu Xiuhe said to himself—I’m just testing something. After all, LoL’s spectating system has been glitching all year round. I just want to see if the problems have been fixed yet.

The screen remained black for more than 10 seconds. Just when Lu Xiuhe thought that he actually wouldn’t be able to spectate the match, the screen suddenly lit up to display the game loading screen.

Actually managed to get in to spectate!

As he was still on the loading screen, Lu Xiuhe took a rough glance at the champion lineup for the match. Zuo Zhen was playing Xayah.

Previously, he had already thought Zuo Zhen was very good at LoL, because of the way he was able to play any role. But now that he thought about it, it made sense. After all, Zuo Zhen wasn’t only an active idol, but also had the identity of being a former professional player. He had even watched a video of a competition Zuo Zhen had previously participated in. A few years ago, Zuo Zhen’s facial features hadn’t been so profound, and had even carried a trace of childishness. He had looked more beautiful and less handsome than what he did now.

Either ways, he had always been attractive.

After letting his imagination run wild for a while, he moved his eyes away from Xayah’s splash art and glanced at Zuo Zhen’s teammates.

He froze at the sight.

This team’s support champion was Rakan.

Xayah and Rakan were champions that had been released at the same time; they were also a real, official couple. In the game, they had couple voice-lines and had been tightly packaged together and publicized back when they had been first released.

But that didn’t matter. The champions could be lovers, but it was also common to see players attacking each other with those characters. What attracted Lu Xiuhe’s attention was his Rakan&#k2014;&#k2014;

“Zuo Zhen’s boyfriend”


Lu Xiuhe picked up his cellphone and started to search this person’s profile history, only to find that Zuo Zhen and this “boyfriend” had been queueing together for three hours already, and that the two of them had been duoing bot lane the whole time.

This dude had been playing support for Zuo Zhen for three hours?

In their dorm, almost no one played support. They all played rock-paper-scissors in advance, and whoever lost would play support. Forget about playing support for several hours, if it was anyone else, they would’ve already gotten tired of it.

Lu Xiuhe suddenly felt as if acid surged up into his throat, and lifted a glass of water, guzzling down a big mouthful. Who would’ve thought that the game suddenly finished loading, and the spectator’s view was fixed on the bottom lane. He just happened to see the scene of Xayah and Rakan embracing as they were recalled to base together.

He nearly choked to death on that mouthful of water.

Lu Xiuhe dully spectated for half an hour, watching Zuo Zhen play as the carry for the entire match. It was only after the opposite Nexus exploded that he absentmindedly quit spectating.

His roommate saw him and then called out to him, “Is your computer good now? We’re almost done here.”

The computer had frozen on the exit screen for the spectating view, and Lu Xiuhe’s voice sounded especially weary as he refused, “No, it’s too laggy. I’m not playing.”

When he got back onto the main page, he was just about to turn off the game when he heard a notification.

[Little Fairy Wants A Hug QAQ has invited you to join a party lobby.]

By the time Lu Xiuhe had managed to react, he had already joined the lobby.

There was only him and Zuo Zhen in the lobby. That person named Zuo Zhen’s boyfriend wasn’t there.

[Little Fairy Wants A Hug QAQ: Choose a role.]

As soon as this person’s façade had been dropped, he didn’t even bother acting with that old tone of his anymore. Otherwise, how would the saying that men weren’t reliable still ring true?

And, right after happily playing games as a couple with his current boyfriend, he went to go find his ex-boyfriend to play games with. How outrageous ba.

After loading into the champion selection interface, Lu Xiuhe thought about it again; as the ex-boyfriend who obviously knew that the other party currently had a boyfriend, he was even more outrageous for trying to still get close to him.

Zuo Zhen’s selected champion icon was still empty. This was the same as every match they had played before. Lu Xiuhe would choose first, and then Zuo Zhen would choose his champion based on what Lu Xiuhe had chosen.

If Lu Xiuhe played top or mid lane, then Zuo Zhen would play a jungler; if Lu Xiuhe played as ADC, then Zuo Zhen would play support.

He didn’t know if it was because he was angry or something, but Lu Xiuhe didn’t even hesitate before picking Rakan.

He didn’t play LoL like a noob, so he would at least be a lot better than the previous match’s Rakan.

Zuo Zhen hesitated for a moment, then chose… Zed, a mid lane champion.

Lu Xiuhe felt his burning hot cheeks, and was especially ashamed.

Yes, that’s right. This person already had a boyfriend now, who the hell would still duo bot with you with a pair of sweetheart champions ah?

Although Lu Xiuhe understood this clearly in his mind, he couldn’t completely control himself during his gameplay.

It was fine when he stayed in the bottom lane, but after leaving that lane, Lu Xiuhe habitually started to follow right behind Zed’s ass.

Fortunately, the ADC they had encountered in this match had a good temper. He played Ezreal and was very good at escaping, and didn’t really say much about Lu Xiuhe’s actions.

That lasted until the end of one team fight. They had won the team fight by killing three enemies and suffering no deaths on their side. However, everyone on the team only had a sliver of health left and couldn’t chase down the remaining enemies; they could only head back to base together.

Just as Lu Xiuhe was preparing to recall to go buy items, he saw that the enemy Caitlyn had targeted Zed with her ultimate ability, and was charging up the Ace in the Hole against him.

Lu Xiuhe, with almost no hesitation, used his skill to jump in front of Zed. He wanted to help him block the shot, but Zuo Zhen responded faster. The moment that Lu Xiuhe jumped to him, Zuo Zhen used Living Shadow to immediately move back in front of the ultimate ability again.

For this shot that would kill any person who got hit by it right now, the two of them kept going back and forth like this, using all of their movement skills to just try to stand in front of the other person to block.

Finally, Zuo Zhen directly used Flash to stay in front of Lu Xiuhe, thereby taking the bullet and being sent back to base free of charge by the enemy Caitlyn.

Teammate No.1: “…”

Teammate No. 2 said, “That was unnecessary; absolutely pointless.”

Teammate No. 3 commented, “At this moment, I actually don’t know who to curse at…”

The enemy Caitlyn said, “… I was so moved that I had almost wanted to cancel the ultimate ability.”

Lu Xiuhe didn’t speak, and neither did Zuo Zhen.

Lu Xiuhe didn’t dare to say anything. He was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would say something wrong again.

The two of them played for two hours without saying a word. When the last match ended, Lu Xiuhe sent him a message.

[Don’t surrender ah, there’s still hope: My dorm is going to turn off the lights now, logging off.]

[Little Fairy Wants A Hug QAQ: En.]


Back in bed, Lu Xiuhe pulled the quilt over his head. He wanted to sleep, but couldn’t fall asleep.

Insomnia had become a common occurrence these past few days. He rubbed his hair and took out his cellphone, wanting to see what updates the support group had about matters pertaining to Zuo Zhen.

As soon as he opened it, he saw a picture that had been sent by a fan.

The picture seemed to be of a concert. Naturally, the person in the picture was Zuo Zhen and because it had been taken with a professional camera, it was very HD.

Zuo Zhen’s shirt was very short and because he was lifting both palms up into the air, the corners of his clothes were pulled up, thus displaying a large expanse of his abs.

The lines of his abs were extremely well-proportioned and good-looking. It could be seen that they hadn’t been temporarily developed through the gym, but accumulated through year-after-year of long and hard training and exercise.

What was striking was that on the left side of Zuo Zhen’s waist, a faint scar could be seen, which should be the scar that the big fan had mentioned before.

Other people’s scars mostly looked like flaws on their bodies, but Zuo Zhen’s didn’t. This scar normally gave him a bit of wild and manly flavor, and at a glance, it was practically like an explosion of hormones.

Lu Xiuhe stared at the picture and began to get lost in wild fantasies and conjectures.

…… He didn’t know if Zuo Zhen getting a boyfriend so blatantly would cause any issues.

After all, he was so popular right now, and there were so many people who wanted to fuck with him. However, the country’s upper management found homosexuality to be a very taboo topic, and any explosive headline could drop him straight into the abyss.

Lu Xiuhe definitely wouldn’t reveal anything, but what about Zuo Zhen’s current boyfriend?

Thinking of this, Lu Xiuhe felt unhappy again.

Forget it, what did it have to do with him ah? Just a random group of fans of Zuo Zhen’s already had 35,000 members, when would it ever be his turn to worry about him?

He was about to turn off his phone and go to sleep when it suddenly vibrated. The big fan had sent him a message.

[Lulu, are you there?! Emergency situation!! Speedily appear!!!]

[Your Great Lord Lu: Here ah, what’s the matter? Is there another influencer account fucking with Zhenzhen?]

[No, no, it’s the middle of the night, and even influencer accounts have to rest ma. It’s an even more urgent matter! I remember you said before that you live in Manyang, right ba?]

[Your Great Lord Lu: Yes.]

[AAHHH, congratulations baby! Pz has activities in Manyang the day after tomorrow, and Zhenzhen will be there too!! The company informed me that we can arrange for people to meet them at the airport!!]

Lu Xiuhe’s heart thumped.

This person shouldn’t be thinking that….

[Manyang that place is quite remote. I’ve been busy with the year-end matters recently, but I managed to put together a circle of people. However, there are no moderators who have the time to organize the airport meet-up…So we decided to give this boon to you la!!]

[Your Great Lord Lu: ?]

[Your Great Lord Lu: Oh no, I… I may not be free.]

[Ah? Didn’t you tell me before that two days after your exams finish, you’ll be going on vacation, and that you can then fight online for 24 hours every day?]

As long as Zuo Zhen didn’t find out about it, he’d be fine with even fighting online for 25 hours a day.

Instead of making him go to an airport meetup for Zuo Zhen, you may as well make him go die.

Also, the other person even had a boyfriend now, and if he, this ex-boyfriend, suddenly snuck into a support group to meet him at the airport, what would it count as ah??

[Your Great Lord Lu: I really can’t do it, I….]

[Your Great Lord Lu: I’m a bit embarrassed. In fact, in real life, I’m a very introverted person, the kind who doesn’t even dare to speak loudly. How can I organize other fans ah?]

[It’ll be fine, I’ve even talked to the other sisters. They will all listen to you.]

[If you don’t go, it really won’t work ah. Manyang doesn’t have many people to begin with, and many of the more mature fans have to go to work. The rest are junior high school little Meimeis or new fans.]

[Your Great Lord Lu: But I’m a new fan too….]

[You’re different, you’re special.]

No, Jie, how am I special ah? If you tell me, can I change it?

Lu Xiuhe was getting ready to evade when another message came from the opposite side.

[For making you organize the event, we will definitely give you great benefits as well. The company just got 50 limited edition chibi Zhenzhen models. Once you’ve finished up with this event, I’ll be sure to apply for one for you!]

[Your Great Lord Lu: ….chibi Zhenzhen?]

The other side sent a picture. It was similar to the models of Japanese anime characters, wearing an outfit from a music video, with pink hair, the word “Zhen” on the cape, and the scars on his waist, all being there. The facial features and dress style were all very close to Zuo Zhen’s real person.

The model had been created with great care. Even people who weren’t fans of Zuo Zhen would definitely think it was cute once they saw it.

[Under the base of the model is also Zhenzhen’s signature, one that he signed himself. They only sent out this batch to give back to old fans, and later, even if they do remake them, that version won’t be identical to these.]

If anyone had caught sight of Lu Xiuhe’s expression right now, they would have thought that he was looking at a pornsite on his cellphone.

Limited edition, only 50, will not be re-released in the future.

These tags heavily smashed into Lu Xiuhe’s brain, and made him dizzy.

[Ah, Lulu, since you’re not free, I’ve found another college girl in Manyang. She seems to have also just finished her exams; she’s quite free. You go to sleep ba.]

[Your Great Lord Lu: No, I’m free. I’m really free. Don’t bother others, let me do this job.]

[That girl’s personality is very cheerful. If you’re more introverted, I won’t trouble you ha. After all, it’s very troublesome to organize fans.]

[Your Great Lord Lu: Whoever said I was introverted? Even in bars, I am capable of interacting with the tables in front of me, behind me, to the left of me, and to the right of me, and can do it all night long. All of my friends say that it’s a pity that I’m not a DJ. You send me the address and time, and I will definitely arrange everything beautifully and let Zuo Zhen’s name ring out all over Manyang’s airport!]

Juurensha: Soooo I’m pretty sure that big fan knew what she was doing hahaha. Also LXH who are you kidding, you’re so jealous and you even want a chibi doll of him….Also, I don’t think ZZ is as over you as you think. Thanks to Divi for taking time from her big move to help us out with LoL terms!

Divi: -appears where there is lots of game talk- Congrats on making it through the main story and reading this wreck of a side story! LXH is a clown and so is ZZ. Hope you guys enjoy this fleshed out story aha. Bless Juu, Noks and Xiin for finishing off the story. Thanks for reading!

Noks: Lu Xiuhe is one confused duck. He better figure things out quick, else his Zhenzhen will be out of his hands….

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And there’s an audio drama for PUBG that came out! It’s more condensed than the novel, but it’s fun!

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