Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 729 - Vol V Chapter 89

Chapter 729: Vol V Chapter 89

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After approximately two months of special training, the joint exploration team finally graduated and set off on their journey.

Before they arrived, the explorers had long reached the destination. Unlike the joint exploration, the pioneer team had the role of building their base camp and fixing the roads. The campground was extremely big and could accommodate a few hundred people. It was meant to serve the dual purpose of a camp as well as a simple smelting field. Once ores and minerals were discovered, preliminary smelting could be carried out to determine their worth. Moreover, if a vein was determined to be mined, the camp would connect the mine and the outside world. Thus, it served the function of a temporary processing plant as well as a mini fortress.

Similar to Earth, to carry out these actions, the roads had to be fixed first to ensure smooth and convenient transportation. If there were no roads, the horses and vehicles could not reach the venue, and they would not be able to receive the tools they needed. After all, pure manpower was not enough to transport all the materials, not to mention the dangers they would face on foot. In particular, the terrain here resembled the north, and while the weather was currently better, but when winter was over, snow up to the waist was common. Without a proper road, they would be totally cut off from any external communication, and if they were to face trouble, it would be extremely dangerous. Thus, the fixing of roads not only increased convenience but also protected them further.

After about two months, a simple road was ready. It was extremely basic—only obstacles such as grass and rocks were moved away before it was paved slightly. While it was functional now, it would be an issue when overused in the future. This was especially so in the winter, where snow would accumulate over it. Nevertheless, it was ready for use now which would suffice temporarily. Further issues could be discussed later.

Not long after the road was fixed, the joint exploration team arrived. With the delay of the two months, it was now starting to get extremely cold. However, there was a perk to this—many poisonous insects and snakes hibernated during the winter and thus would not cause trouble for the explorers. As for the beasts who were active in the winter, there was not much difference as they were similarly active in the summertime. The workers were not daunted by the weather. They preferred the cold over the chance of encountering poisonous creatures. The mining center had thought of this as well which was why they had scheduled the expedition at this time. Furthermore, even if they had wanted to start the expedition earlier, the roads and camp were not set up yet.

The joint exploration workers were not explorers, and they did not have strong enough bodies to fight creatures, such as bears, or carry heavy materials while trekking. However, they had more materials to carry as compared to the explorers. One could calculate that on average, each expedition required an exploration worker to carry at least twenty kilograms of various stones. To do so through the winding mountains, they would definitely require a safe base to return to.

Hopes did not think so much. He simply looked forward to the end of the expedition.

“Ah, it’s so cold! But the scenery is beautiful.” He quipped as he jumped off the carriage and looked at the mountains covered with snow. A few days ago, there had been a giant snowstorm, and it looked like a sea of white with no clouds in the sky. Against the clear blue sky, it was truly a majestic sight. Previously, they had either been training or rushing on their way. Even if they looked up, all they saw was the carriage’s roof and not the sky. Being out made them feel peaceful and rejuvenated.

Hopes wanted to yell out to the mountains to vent, but he remembered that he had been warned during training multiple times to not make unnecessary noise.

Suddenly, he heard loud shouting from the carriage behind.

“Ah...! Ah...! Ah...! Ah!””

Hopes used his hands to cover his face and refused to turn back. On the other hand, Ruby rushed over angrily and grabbed onto the screaming pig head before punching him to the ground.

“You stupid pig! Have you forgotten what we were taught in training? You’re not supposed to shout and scream!”

The pig’s head was extremely thick, and he was not really affected by the punch. Instead, he muttered sourly, “It’s not like I’m an explorer.”

“You have to follow the rules even if you’re not an explorer! What if you cause trouble for everyone through your noise?”

“Everyone has just arrived; the true expedition hasn’t started.”

“There are other dangers in the mountains!”

“What’s that got to do with us?”

Ruby was so angry that his nose became twisted. He felt that talking to this idiot was a waste of time and decided to beat him up with his fists. The poor fellow cried out in pain as he received blow after blow, and eventually, his face became purple and swollen.

“I’m not like those nice teachers in school who will talk sense to you. I don’t really care about that. I’m a barbarian. I only use violence to solve problems,” Ruby said coldly and shook his fist at the pig head, who stared at him with hatred in his eyes.

“Very good. If I hear you shout like this again, I’ll beat you up with a stick,” Ruby concluded as he glared back at the pig head before walking away.

In the two months of training, Ruby as veteran received the approval of his mentors and peers alike, and he had been elected as their team leader. As their team leader, he needed to lead his team to recon at the campsite, as well as settle many other administrative matters. He did not have time to waste.

After Ruby had left, Hopes sighed and walked over to the pig head who was lying on the ground. A beam of green light shot out of his hands and landed onto the pig head’s body.

“Fira, you know that Ruby is easily needled. Why did you want to provoke him? It’s not worth getting beat up for...”

“I’ll return the favor... someday...”

“It was just a small matter. Don’t hold on to this grudge.”

“I’ll get my revenge!”

“It’s not so serious! Furthermore, you’re a chef. How are you going to take revenge on him?”


Under the healing effect of natural spells, the injuries of the pig head Fira quickly improved. In a short while, there was only a faint trace of a bruise. Fira thanked Hopes, got up and walked away.

Fira was a Shantou Qing who had got off on the wrong foot with Ruby during training. Afterward, they had argued with each other and even fought. Of course, Fira was unable to physically defeat Ruby and got a severe beating which he swore never to forget. Over this incident, he constantly chose to irritate Ruby and each time he did so, he earned himself a beating but somehow did not know to change or back down.

Hopes was a kind and warm soul who knew a little of natural magic. Thus, every time Fira got beaten up, Hopes would help to heal him. With the many incidents, he managed to improve his skills while forging a friendship with Fira.

Fira was more socially awkward and extremely stubborn. Even with Hopes’ constant nagging, he refused to change in his actions towards Ruby.

Seeing as Fira and Ruby had gone their own ways, Hopes sighed in relief.

I really don’t understand the mining center; why did they insist on letting Fira join the expedition? The existence of tensions is extremely distracting!

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