Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 565 565 Conflict

Chapter 565 Chapter 565 Conflict

Ava always found her past exes immature and was obviously in a rush to touch her bases up with no sense of propriety or romance whatsoever.

Ava wanted to be in love like in the movies and that was exactly what she experienced time and time again since the moment she had met the wonderful man in Daniel.

He was what she had imagined for love to be and so much more. And to think that they had just only begun, Ava couldn\'t help but smile at her luck.

Finding true love at such a young age was truly bliss.

"Hi, Ava!" a sound caught up to the couple when they were about to open the doors of the vehicle.

"Jason? What\'s up?" Ava asked when she turned around to see the boy and the rest of his friends.

Every single one of them were tall but they had the lanky build that accompanied their age.

These were Ava\'s seniors and she knew only of them through their appearance as they always have been with Jason whenever he tried to hit on her in school.

"I wanted to talk to you about something important. It\'s about the upcoming event of the Omi. Let\'s eat dinner together." Jason said his purpose.

He was crass and it soured Ava\'s mood as she thought of how shameless the boy was. This was what she hated among her pursuers since she started going out with boys.

The persistent ones that just wouldn\'t get a clue even if she had repeatedly turned them down.


It was the price she had to pay for being beautiful because she also did not want to appear rude or bitchy in her attitude at all.

Let me try again, she thought inside and took a deep breath before answering.

"I\'m sorry, Jason. I\'m with my BOYFRIEND right now so... Maybe some other time, okay?" Ava intently highlighted one word in her reply.

This boy was so pushy and it was already getting on her nerves.

Keep calm and breathe, she kept telling herself in order to avoid being impolite. Alpha Omicron was the name of the frat that Jason led for two years.

He was of course backed with his rich father that made the transition of making one smooth and easy.

Ava was of course not fond of politics or any of the same groups at all that she has not had the inkling on what people get when they join or create fraternities left and right.

She was more inclined to singing and acting, or art overall.

Her passion laid primarily in these things that very much reflected also her position in this world, a dreamer.

Especially when it came to love and all aspects that mattered most in her heart.

"The fund raising event is already near, Ava. Less than a week. We need you on that day. It\'s for a good cause. Don\'t you want to be a part of it? Make a change. Be the difference?"

Jason continued to convince the girl with his honeyed words. But all it ever did was creep Ava even further.

She trusted her guts and she had a feeling that going anywhere near this boy was dangerous for her especially when he seemed incapable of taking no for an answer.

"I really can\'t, Jason. I\'m sure others will be delighted to sing in the event." Ava said.

They had been over this many times this week already and this was in fact the fifth time that she had rejected the proposal.

The gig was lucrative enough. 1,000 cash for just one weekend.

A lot of talented people would certainly jump at the swift money but Jason was so obsessed with taking her into that event which brought forth not only one but multiple alarm bells ringing on Ava\'s mind.

She may be a romantic fool and believed in the goodness of the everyone and the world in general but she was not a stupid girl. Far from that, she was meticulously careful in her life.

Being a beautiful doll on this earth was particularly more dangerous than being plain old Jane in some farmland with only cows and goats to tend.

Perhaps having a soldier as a father was also a main factor for Ava\'s attitude today.

"Why? Is it because of that old dude beside you? Did he forbid you from doing the charity event? Is that it, Ava?!"

Jason\'s voice took a louder tone this time and many students who were only subtly listening to the discussions of popular people were now fully inching forward to hear the upcoming commotion without any care or finesse whatsoever.

This was more entertaining to watch than any reality flicks on TV because they knew of its casts and had even bump shoulders with them in their stay in school.

It was especially true for Jason and his boys while Ava was akin to the untouchable blonde goddess in the university.

She had already left her batch mates for leagues and leagues away and could even compete with any girl on campus, older or otherwise, in class and beauty.

Some people were just created perfect, the spectating students lamented in their hearts.

"Daniel has nothing to do with this. Don\'t make a sc..." Ava started but she paused halfway through her retort.

She could already picture what this detestable boy wanted to do.

Maybe he\'d beat his boyfriend up and gang on him like cowards. And Ava was already in near tears just imagining what could happen.

But the firm touch on her palm told her all she needed to know.

It was out of her hands anymore. Ava felt Daniel\'s gentle grip let go of hers and a breath later, all she could see was the tall wide back of her beloved.

It was as if he was shielding her from all uncertainties and sorrows.

Like an unbreakable bastion of strength that can never be shattered nor decayed with time or even if a million armies tried to conquer it.

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