Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 215 215 The Ice Queen is Coming!

Chapter 215 Chapter 215 The Ice Queen is Coming!

"I can\'t say that I\'ve heard that before. You have a way with words, Clark." Amber smiled and tried very very hard to hide her discomfort.

She most of all did not want to show how overly stimulated and aroused she was at this very moment. Especially not in front of the sole reason of this wet dilemma.

"I try. I try, Amber." Our bored gamer said and the ride to the late dinner date went on smoothly as planned.

Clark did not drive like a rascal like the way he had arrived in the first place. He instead rode the vehicle with great finesse and care.

The ice queen was with him and thus, he certainly did not want to appear like a daredevil in steroids. At least not just yet. They arrived in a lavish restaurant.

Perhaps the most expensive one in the city with a staggering five thousand dollars per head bill. The Sapphire Flame Experience!

"You should know that my bodyguards are also coming with me inside. Are you sure you\'re willing to spend this much money for our first date alone?"

Amber stopped by the entrance and wisely motioned towards the dozen big men in their entourage behind them.

"I could afford a 15 mil car. A few thousand for this special night doesn\'t bother me at all." Clark said calmly.

"Hmmm... A bit crude, aren\'t we?" Amber asked but there was the obvious flair of jest in her voice.

"I breathe to deliver. At least it\'s working wonders for me, yes?" It was our bored gamer\'s turn to ask and without waiting for any response, he gently nudged his date to go with him inside.

"Maybe." This was Amber\'s only reply as she allowed herself to be led into the Sapphire Flame Experience.

And when they did, it was like both of them were transported to another world entirely. The scene was taken from a theme of fantasy. A look of the past.

The medieval times where it was already long gone in the present.

There were servers of both sexes in the garb of an olden era but that did not at all mean that their service was anything lacking or subpar.

A romantic music flared anew as the last song ended in their arrival.

An azure light cascaded on the hall in deep varying dances of flames that highlighted the few tables that had any occupants in them.

In addition to Clark and Amber, there were only about 7 dates in tonight\'s reception. But that has not at all affected the mood of the couple. Especially not our very own avid gamer.

They dined and ate little since this date was after all very late in the eve already. It was 30 minutes past 10 but the good talk between newly acquainted souls flowed well enough indeed.

With such a sweet and creative mouth like our bored gamer, even the dead would have been flattered to rise and chat with him for one last time.

"Let us pause here, Amber. I don\'t want to let you know everything about me on our first night alone. I would rather leave something unsaid so that you won\'t grow bored of me so easily. Come. The music is calling us already."

Clark effortlessly got himself a dance partner as he stood and took the hand of his gorgeous date. The song changed instantly into different from the last few music played.

A bit unromantic and solemn but there were deep emotions within each note that rang. It was like the crying lament of a lost forsaken soul.

"What\'s the title of this song?" Amber could not help but ask.

She knew that Clark had requested this song beforehand but she could not tell at all that she had heard of this song from before.

The feeling behind this music was quite strong indeed that it moved her to curiosity. But if truth be told, Amber would have loved something more dreamy and romantic than this one.

"It\'s a song from one of my most favorite anime of all time. One Punch Man Ballad Version."

Our bored gamer answered while his eyes still closed as he savored every line of this masterpiece.

"Why this one of all songs that you could have picked?" Amber continued to inquire.

Her head was on the chest of our bored gamer as the two of them danced to the lonely melody of the song. She felt Clark stopped his gentle sways that hinted Amber to do the same also.

She looked up and was held captivated once more by our bored gamer\'s blue eyes.

"I promised myself that I would dance with my first girlfriend in this world with this song in the background. Am I getting ahead of myself, Amber? Or can I be bolder than the present?"

Clark whispered.

"..." Amber was of course much curious about the meaning behind the funny words of our bored gamer. Especially the phrase "this world?".

\'What the hell does that mean?!\' Amber could only ask herself inside. Alas, all thoughts or query left her soul the moment our good gamer has made his killer move indeed.

\'Ohhh nooo... He\'s going to kiss me?! Should i? But i..." Amber was stung in impotent inaction which in the end afforded her little in fact.

It was about an inch more before two sets of lips would meet in the middle and Amber had already instinctively closed her eyes to accept this kiss in the middle of the dance floor.

"Hmmm..." And when it did, a modest and chaste kiss was definitely the last thing that happened between them.

Her knees grew weak all of a sudden because she could not remember if all the kisses she has had before ever tasted this sweet and divine.

Her nipples were harder than stone and it ached further as if begging for stimulation and attention.

For the first time in her young life, Amber wanted to share more than a kiss with a boy.

\'No... A man.\' Amber corrected within. Alas, Clark was only content with just this long kiss that encouraged the beautiful lady in his arms to only push herself more tightly into.

She clung onto his neck for dear life and gave as much as she received.

Amber did not know how long the kiss lasted but she only knew that any moment from now, she would come right then and there because of that single unbroken kiss with a man she only met tonight.

A breath later and...

\'I\'m coming...!!!\' Amber screamed inside. There was a splash of white milk down her inner thighs and the erotic fragrance came next in the aftermath.

Amber drifted in euphoria for a couple of seconds before she realized what she had done thereafter.

\'How could i be this shameless?! I did not know that I could come from a mere kiss alone!\' Amber wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole right now.

She could not believe how wanton her actions had been with our bored gamer.

In the end, Amber could only hide her face on Clark\'s muscled chest as she forced herself to believe that this was only a mere dream and everything would be fine when she woke up in the next morning.

Unfortunately for her, a full minute passed and she was still standing unsteadily in our good gamer\'s embrace.

The strength in her legs slowly came back and with each passing breath, Amber willed and composed herself once more. At least before Clark whispered something in her ears.

"Do you want to see my video game collection tonight?" Amber would have laughed out loud if it was any other boy who asked these words unto her. But not with Clark.

Amber went and held her breath instead as the full implication of what our bored gamer was truly asking hit her absolutely in the center.

She was not born yesterday to think that they would really see any video games should she accept this subtle invitation in this late night affair.

Luckily for our good gamer, Amber was not one to back down from a challenge.

In the short time that she had known Clark, she has made her experience something that she has not felt from anyone else.

Amber may have been a fool but she was certainly not the only one.

\'I guess this is it. The night where I surrender my all. But am i ready for it?\' Amber hesitated briefly before letting her heart take over her mind completely.

"Of course. You can take me anywhere you want, Clark." Amber nodded and kissed the cheek of our bored gamer in the next. She was going to experience the wildest ride of her life just yet.

And if truth be told, she could not wait for that moment to happen already.

* * *

"Should we not put a stop to this boy\'s wish?" One bodyguard asked the others.

They were already outside the apartment building of this nameless boy and the pampered princess that they had guarded for 3 years in college was also inside doing something they could only dare imagine.

"You go do it. But I should remind you how George ended up. He tried to mess with Miss Amber\'s personal business and he got his ass kicked from this heaven sent assignment.

The last time I checked, he already became a private investigator who\'s earning peanuts in comparison to the money we get here.

So the question is, do you want to be the next George then? If you are, then go ahead and you go do it."

Another replied among the 12 and there was no more to be said amongst them. No one was stupid to act otherwise.

* * *

Inside our bored gamer\'s apartment, two souls mingled as one. Alas, Amber has not totally expected what happened in the next few moments.

"Here is my collection, Amber!"

"This is The Sims Set."

"Here is Diablo 1 and 2."




"The Elder Scrolls and there is my..."




Almost 1 hour has already flashed quickly into the past and Clark was still busy introducing his games one after another.

And with all the neat stock of them lined up in the game room, it was going to take a long while before they could finish it all.

\'I admit. This was not what I expected for us to do in here.\' Amber could only shake her head and hide her annoyance with the same beautiful smile on her face.

This facade masked her thoughts completely as she also began to listen well and get to know the gaming addiction of our bored gamer.

Two hours passed and...

"Now that we finished the gaming section, let me acquaint you with my collection of anime and manga in the next." Clark was still so hyped at this time.

The otaku in him was alive and ready for more. But the sexy lady in red beside him was many things but excited for what was to come.

"..." Amber could only show an awkward smile in reply.

\'What have i gotten myself into?\' She thought inside.

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