Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 195 195 Tribute to the Dead

Chapter 195 Chapter 195 Tribute to the Dead

"Are we in the right place, Senior Blood Twin?" Gu Wenren could not help but ask.

Her eyes roamed on the large dome and felt small amidst the lifelike monuments that went on as far as the eyes could see.

Although she was quite certain that these were mere rocks, metal, and gold that was molded into form by the hands of men but the spiritual pressure that a single piece of these relics exuded was enough to daunt her where she stood.

They were all imposing replicas and the heroism that each one brought could be witnessed in the illusions of each masterpiece.

Gu Wenren looked at a particular statue at her heart raced with the battle drums that she perceived just by gazing at the beautiful woman with a long spear in her hands.

She was mystified by how impressive everything was and how the Grand Dao has left traces of its power on each individual fallen persona.

She did not doubt one bit at all that if she would be given a chance to study before these monuments, her strength would have risen to leaps and bounds in the aftermath.

This truth was no misconception at all because almost all powerful cultivators in this xianxia world considered this place as the Holy Land of Cultivation.

Gu Wenren swam in different epiphanies and caught at least a portion of what every Fallen Hero in here wanted to share to the next generations that wanted to follow their steps.

Gu Wenren was only moved awake when Senior Blood Twin finally decided to answer her query.

"Yes, we are. The coronation event would start soon but before that, blood needs to be spilled as sacrifice to this historic unification." Blood Twin said in his usual raspy voice.

"What do you mean, Senior Blood Twin?" Gu Wenren stood straighter in apprehension and could not help but scour the scene in alarm.

Alas, all she ever saw aside from the towering figures overhead were the guise of millions of people in all directions.

Even at her current cultivation of Peak Stage of Aspirant Realm, Gu Wenren admitted that she could not hold a candle against anyone of these experts.

It was very discomforting to know that every single one of these cultivators could squash her like an ant. These people were perhaps at the Earth Immortal Realm at least.

"You need not concern yourself with little things, Gu Wenren. All you need to do is be ready to take your seat at the crown of power." Blood Twin replied and said no more.

Since they were here already, the rest of the cast would soon follow in a few breaths.

\'I was right. This was an absurd idea in the first place.\' Gu Wenren moaned inside and the same lament was mirrored by more or less 1 thousand Elders of the Demonic Sword Sect.

They should have been guests of honor but with the huge discrepancy of power between them and the rest of gigantic influences who have come to this occasion, the invading party was akin to a mouse who has willingly entered the den of ravenous monsters.

The difference was just absolutely astronomical! Alas, this quiet stalemate did not last for long.

There were those that could not anymore sit still and wanted to create friendships instead of war.

"Welcome to the Cathedral of Champions, revered guests! I am Huang Ru of the Vicious Star Sect! It is my honor to accept the mandate of Young Master Clark in our midst."

A handsome young man in purple regal robes appeared a few meters before the entourage.

He cupped his fist towards Blood Twin and did the same thing to Gu Wenren and the Demonic Sword Sect Elders behind them.

It can be seen from this act alone that he was an accomplished expert in the field of diplomacy indeed.

In layman\'s term, this True Immortal has already mastered the great art of ass kissing in his long tenure in life. He opened his palm and sacred cauldron materialized from nowhere.

It was easy to determine that this was the Vicious Star Sect\'s Ultimate Treasure.

Although this could only be considered as trash to the current Huang Ru but to the sect he founded in this world where only Earth Immortal Experts led, this was absolutely a treasure of the ages.

But in order to comply with the hard dictate of Young Master Clark, this much was nothing compared to the alternative of war and imminent death.

Huang Ru did not even consider offending our bored gamer at all.

"My Azure Light Sect also answers the urgent summons of Young Master Clark! This lowly junior Yuan Ai is willing to offer my sect unto Young Master\'s cause."

It was a divine lady who appeared at this time and her allure has stunned almost every male in attendance.

She was barely wearing anything at all but she carried herself with poise and grace all the same. Yuan Ai delivered her sect\'s ultimate treasure and retired to the side.

"Xiao Tai approves of Young Master Clark\'s plan. Too long had this world been divided by war and strife. It is a good time for all of us to unite.

My Fading Moon Sect shall join under your banner!" A breath later, another True Immortal graced the event and the rest followed to speak the same tune over and over again.

Ultimate Treasures flowed one after another and Gu Wenren even felt like she was dreaming with every single heavy Immortal Relic that she received.




Five hours passed quickly and the most awaited part was yet to happen.

Almost every True Immortal in this xianxia world has already saluted and offered their show of allegiance towards our bored gamer.

It was not perfect though because some chose to neglect this event and just hid in the myriad realms of this vast universe.

One should know that the cosmos was filled with an almost limitless scale and possibilities. This world was only a small part of the entirety of the Mortal Realm.

If a True Immortal wanted to escape then it was indeed pretty hard to find them one by one. But this did not bother Clark at all.

\'Since you have decided to leave your home then I don\'t reckon that there would be a need for you to return.\'

Our bored gamer noted everyone who left and would remember them for all of eternity.

With his current range of abilities, it was very easy to notice the ones that selected to abdicate from this small event.

"Now all I need are the main cast. They will be here soon enough." Clark muttered as he looked towards a certain secret realm near the center of the Holy Continent.

* * *

"Are you sure you\'re going through with this plan, Fellow Daoist?" A hard voice echoed in the distance that separated the speakers.

"I am. I have not reached this age in order to just bow down before a tyrant. I would rather choose death." Another replied.

"Then so be it. I only hope that we would be hailed as heroes in the end."

"I hope so too. But I doubt that it would matter that much. We\'d be long gone by then for us to care." A silence descended for the two.

They looked on the busy coliseum until the honored visitors from afar finally graced the scene with their presence.

"It\'s time."

"Yes. It is." After that the two of them descended to welcome their guests with more than open arms in tow.

* * *

"Did both Old Man Mu and Old Man Qian elected to not join this affair?" An aged True Immortal asked a peer.

Old Man Mu and Old Man Qian were considered by many as the strongest True Immortals of this world.

One was the Leader of the Holy Continent while the other was the Head of the Primeval Continent.

Together these two spearheaded the direction of the world and oftentimes they were engaged in border battles because of their near proximity.

Since a mountain could not contain two tigers, the skirmish has been bloody indeed and the ravages of war persisted for so many years until this had become a natural occurrence for both huge influences.

Cowards, heroes, and martyrs were all tallied in the books and some even had the greatest contributions that their lives and deeds were commemorated for all cultivators to remember.

The Holy Continent and The Primeval Continent has indeed birthed some of the most amazing cultivators to ever lived.

"Who knows? Maybe they did or maybe they didn\'t. But with the pride and name of those two in question right now, I doubt that they would remain hidden for long.

I admit though that I was expecting some action and excitement today." Another True Immortal replied.

The present top tier cultivators have already reported their names and attitude towards the summons of Young Master Clark and only those two were left worthy of mentioning.

Especially Old Man Mu who was the Guardian of the entire Holy Continent.

And with the venue of this big event in his backyard, it was a curious thing that Old Man Mu has yet to tell his view on things. His shadow was nowhere to be found in the scene.


"BANG!" The vaults of heaven opened up to spit out two mighty figures in the midst of this coronation. One appeared like a monk while the other carried a huge sword on his back.

They were not old and wrinkled at all but looked young beyond their years. Not over 25 in fact.

This guise has covered the immortality that they earned and the untold years that they had braved together in this world.

"My Holy Continent does not honor this behest!" Old Man Mu declared audibly for all to hear.

"Same." The man with the big sword said briefly. This could only be none other than Old Man Qian. The leader of the Primeval Continent.

* * *

"It seems like you got your wish come true after all." That aged True Immortal from before whispered as he looked at how things had unfolded more than how he could have anticipated.

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