A Girl's Life in a Gaming World

Chapter 76 - Blast Wave

"What happened!??"

"I don\'t know. I just heard an explosion."

"I think it\'s from the commander\'s sacrifice." 

"It\'s the commander!!" A player pointed at Akkar running while carrying a man in his arms. 

"EVERYONE RUN!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" Akkar shouted as loud as he could, even with his hoarse voice. While carrying Hal, who was scared shitless in his arms. He did not block or dodge the strikes thrown at him. So that his berserk skill will make him run faster. 

"What is the commander shouting!? I can\'t hear a thing." Akkar\'s voice was buried from the fighting and explosion from the magic attacks in his surrounding. 

"RUN!!!" Those archers who were on top of the wall jumped down when they saw the explosion\'s blast wave coming at the village. Those who jumped in panic have stumbled on the ground, wasting a few seconds of a head start.

The tanks and village guards that are still alive left the goblins and ran for their lives. 

"Oi!! The goblins are entering!!" The goblins stormed inside like mad the moment the obstacle stopping them disappeared. 

"Why are they running!?" 

"I don\'t know why but f*ck it!! I\'m running!!" The support and mages who were far off the wall were confused. But seeing them running in panic with solemn expressions made them drop everything they were doing and run. 

  Akkar realized that it was already too late. Sweat started dripping on his forehead, and his surrounding had gotten hotter. "Emerge!!" 

He turned around and saw a horrifying sight of a massive burning cloud of dust coming to the village. "Take cover behind me!" He dropped Hal and drank the healing potion regenerating back to full health. 

"Emerge!!" Akkar brought out another healing potion to use in case of an emergency. He doesn\'t know how strong the blast will be, but it\'s better to be safe than sorry.

He planted his feet on the ground as deep as he could. And lifted his ax to his front to act as a shield. 

Hal stood up and lay his arm on Akkar\'s back, and planted his feet off the ground. "I\'ll support from behind." He knows that it\'s not the time for him to be a deadweight. His survival will depend on whether Akkar survives or dies. "Emerge!!!" He also brought out a healing potion. 

"Here it comes!!" In just a matter of seconds, they were engulfed by the burning cloud of dust. His clothes ignited, and he could feel his skin burning. The pressure from the blast wave was so intense that his body felt like being crushed each second.   

The blast wave\'s heat was so hot that it started hundreds of fires simultaneously. Nothing was spared from the wooden walls, houses, goblins, players, and the heat, charred corpses beyond recognition. Even those who were far enough have felt the heat on their skin. As far away as those who were on the south gate of the village. 

"HAAAAA!!!" Hal pushed Akkar as hard as he could so that they wouldn\'t get pushed back by the blast wave. 

"SH*T!!! Arrggggggghhhhh!!" He tried to hold his ground as much as possible. But in the end, the structure of his weapon isn\'t designed for it to be a shield. 

"Heal up!!!" Akkar drank the healing potion while they went flying off the ground. "Emerge!!!" He brought out another healing potion to use, seeing his health dropping at a very fast rate. 

"Ughhhhh!!!" Hal\'s back went flying to a burning two-story wooden house. Because of the intense pressure from the blast wave. His back hit the house\'s wall so hard that he dropped the healing potion he was about to drink and almost lost consciousness. But thanks to the pain reduction, he managed to recover his consciousness.

Hal grits his teeth and endures the pain. While bringing out another healing potion. "Emerge!!" He drank the potion in a hurry seeing his health hitting rock bottom. 

Both of them were stuck on the wall of the burning house while drinking potions one after the other. They were doing everything they could just to survive. 

"When will this end!!??" Hal exclaimed as he tried to move out of the burning wall. However, it was pointless. He can\'t even move an inch with how strong the pressure pushing them off.

"Stop talking and keep healing!! We can\'t stay conscious for much longer!!" Akkar shouted as he kept healing. Even with the pain reduction from the game. The pain from his body being crushed every second is so painful. It felt like he was being tortured every second. Their body is already beyond He can feel that his consciousness is already fading slowly. 

"F*ck I\'m done..." Hal\'s last words before he fainted. 

Akkar turned his head to his side when he heard another bottle of healing potion break on the ground. 

"Hey!! Wake up!!! Hey!!" 

"F*ck this!! Store!! Emerge!!" The weapon in his hands disappeared and was replaced by two healing potions. He drank one and threw the other one to Hal. The village guard informed him earlier that healing potions don\'t necessarily need to be consumed directly to take effect. The liquid can still heal when applied to wounds. However, the healing effect is half since it is more effective when you drink it. 

It\'s a waste to use healing potion this way since he has a limited supply of it. But he will do everything he can for the both of them to survive. 



"Emerge!!" Akkar\'s eyes were closed as he kept repeating the same actions again and again. He did not think of anything and just focused on healing both of them. Just staying conscious is already hard enough. Monitoring both of their health is making it even harder.

"Emerge... Emerge... Emer..." Akkar uttered inaudibly, but no potions were coming out of his hand. "Sh*t..." Then he realized that he ran out of potions. 

He tried to open his eyes to see the current situation. "Ahhhh..." He only caught a glimpse of the end of the blast wave before his eyes gave up. His body and mind immediately gave in, realizing that it could finally rest.. In just a matter of seconds, he lost his strength, and he fell to the ground with Hal at the same time. 

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